Index Funds
Index Funds
An Exchange Traded Fund (Index Funds) is a fund that trades on an exchange, just like a stock and replicate the portfolio and performance of a publically available Index. Index Funds offer low expense investment solution.
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty SDL Jun 2027 Index. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty SDL Jun 2027 Index
Risk Moderate
NAV as on 04 Oct 202411.5890
Ideal Time Horizon: Hold till Maturity
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Apr 2026 50 50 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Apr 2026 50:50 Index. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Income
BenchmarkNifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Apr 2026 50:50 Index
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202411.4740
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset CRISIL IBX Gilt Index April 2033 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of CRISIL IBX Gilt Index – April 2033. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)
Goal Income
BenchmarkCRISIL IBX Gilt Index-April 2033
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202411.8520
INDEX FUNDSMirae Asset Nifty SDL June 2028 Index Fund
(An open-ended target maturity Index Fund investing in the constituents of Nifty SDL June 2028 Index. A scheme with relatively high interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk)