Equity Fund
Equity Fund
Equity Funds endeavor to provide potential for high growth and returns. They are best suited for investors with a long term investment horizon.
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Large Cap Fund
(Large Cap Fund - An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing across large cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 100 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 2024112.1090
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset ELSS Tax Saver Fund
(ELSS - An open ended equity linked saving scheme with a statutory lock in of 3 years and tax benefit)
Goal Tax Saving
BenchmarkTier 1 : NIFTY 500, Tier 2 : Nifty 200 (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202448.5040
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Focused Fund
(Focused Fund - An open ended equity scheme investing in a maximum of 30 stocks intending to focus in Large Cap, Mid Cap & Small Cap category (i.e., Multi-Cap))
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkTier 1 : NIFTY 500, Tier 2 : Nifty 200 (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202425.8220
Ideal Time Horizon: 3-5 Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Large and Midcap Fund
(Large & Mid Cap Fund - An open-ended equity scheme investing in both large cap and mid cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Large Midcap 250 (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 2024151.5380
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Great Consumer Fund
(Sectoral/Thematic Fund - An open ended equity scheme following consumption theme)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty India Consumption (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 2024100.0890
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Healthcare Fund
(Sectoral/Thematic Fund - An open ended equity scheme investing in healthcare and allied sectors)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkBSE Healthcare Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202438.6220
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Midcap Fund
(Midcap Fund - An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in mid cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkTier 1 : NIFTY Midcap 150
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202436.6250
Ideal Time Horizon: 3-5 Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Banking and Financial Services Fund
(An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index)(NSE:MULTICAP BSE:544241)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty Financial Services Index (TRI)
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202418.8350
Ideal Time Horizon: 5+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Flexi Cap Fund
(An open-ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks)
Goal Wealth Creation
BenchmarkNifty 500 TRI
Risk Aggressive
NAV as on 04 Oct 202415.4060
Ideal Time Horizon: 3+ Years
EQUITY FUNDMirae Asset Multicap Fund
(Multi Cap - An open-ended equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks)